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Instructions in Case of Incident


You’re hosting a musical concert and on the day of the event, a downpour hits making it impossible to proceed.
Or the singer fails to show up, leaving the audience chanting their name for half an hour. Yikes!
What do you do?
That’s why Araytor, an insurance company specializing in concerts, tours, and events, reached out to us to create an explainer video that, in the most didactic, engaging, and memorable way, explains to their clients what to do in these cases.
The video was a hit.
Their clients had a very useful piece that briefly explained how to proceed in case of an incident, and Araytor demonstrated through actions how much they care for their clients.

Animated gifs

During the video production, and leveraging animations, we created a series of animated GIFs. Perfect ammunition for the client’s social media channels.