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Their Love is Priceless


Video 1 –  He always waits for you

A dog’s love is unconditional. They would do anything for you and protect you at all costs. Don’t you think they deserve to be protected with the best? This was the creative strategy we proposed for this campaign for the Advantix antiparasitic (at that time, a Bayer brand). We made several spots with a very emotional tone. In the first one, we reminded pet owners that no one is more eager for them to come home from work than their dog, who would be willing to wait for them forever.

Video 2 – He never judges you

In the second commercial, we remind pet owners that dogs don’t judge and accept you just as you are, unlike people. Doesn’t that deserve a reward?

Video 3 – He protects you all, and you protect him

In the third commercial, we took it a step further to highlight the unconditional love of a dog. Instead of recreating a cinematic protection scene, we used a real YouTube video showing a dog covering a baby with a blanket. We contacted the author of that video, purchased the rights, and used it as an example of unconditional love. If they care so much about their loved ones, if they have that protective instinct towards their family, how can we not do the same for them?