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Okay, fine, infographics are not videos. They are static visual representations of information or data. But their aim is to communicate in a visually appealing and understandable way, just like videos. And besides, at The Visual Speech we are very good at them. That’s why we are including them here. In addition, an infographic can often emerge from a video. Or an infographic can become a video. We just love them.

Infographic Advantix

Nobody knows as much about leishmaniasis as Bayer. In this infographic you can see for yourself.

Infographic Abertis

Abertis has made a firm commitment to building a smart city. We have summarised it in this infographic.

Infographic Seresto

The most relevant information on pet ectoparasites, synthesized and visualized in an infographic.

Mobilee Infographic

An infographic is like the chalkboard a teacher uses to explain a subject in the clearest and most concise way.

Content Marketing Infographic

Content Marketing uses infographics on a regular basis. What better way to explain this, than with a very cool one.

Barcelona College of Physicians infographic

We made three explanatory videos for the Barcelona Medical Association. The same information, synthesized in eloquent images, can be found in this infographic.

Infographic Vall d’Hebron

The Vall d’Hebron Hospital in Barcelona asked us to create an infographic with the main tips for enjoying a safe summer.

Infographic Advantix

Nobody knows as much about leishmaniasis as Bayer. In this infographic you can see for yourself.

Infographic Abertis

Abertis has made a firm commitment to building a smart city. We have summarised it in this infographic.

Infographic Seresto

The most relevant information on pet ectoparasites, synthesized and visualized in an infographic.

Mobilee Infographic

An infographic is like the chalkboard a teacher uses to explain a subject in the clearest and most concise way.

Content Marketing Infographic

Content Marketing uses infographics on a regular basis. What better way to explain this, than with a very cool one.

Barcelona College of Physicians infographic

We made three explanatory videos for the Barcelona Medical Association. The same information, synthesized in eloquent images, can be found in this infographic.

Infographic Vall d’Hebron

The Vall d’Hebron Hospital in Barcelona asked us to create an infographic with the main tips for enjoying a safe summer.