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Corporate videos

Corporate videos usually aim to present the mission or values of a company or organisation. They come in all styles and formats and are not intended to have a direct impact on sales, but rather to increase brand awareness and improve the image of the brand in digital media. Here you can see some examples of corporate videos from our factory.

UAB Research Park

A video that helps to position the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona as a pioneering center for research, innovation, and development.

ciudad construida con papiroflexia


The use of origami is a friendly way of presenting a logistics and large infrastructure management company.

Cómplices Editorial

By category of video, a corporate video. By execution technique, a typographic animation video or Kinetic Typography.

Mayors for peace

This video was seen in many countries. Only the soundtrack had to be adapted.

Blanquerna Foundation

This was our video tribute to the 70th anniversary of the Fundació Blanquerna.

The Visual Speech

What better way to explain the videos we create than with a video?

UAB Research Park

A video that helps to position the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona as a pioneering center for research, innovation, and development.

ciudad construida con papiroflexia


The use of origami is a friendly way of presenting a logistics and large infrastructure management company.

Cómplices Editorial

By category of video, a corporate video. By execution technique, a typographic animation video or Kinetic Typography.

Mayors for peace

This video was seen in many countries. Only the soundtrack had to be adapted.

Blanquerna Foundation

This was our video tribute to the 70th anniversary of the Fundació Blanquerna.

The Visual Speech

What better way to explain the videos we create than with a video?